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IMG_8462_web Farming Our potatoes are grown locally in , Alliston Ontario. Alliston is a settlement in the Simcoe County. The town is a commercial centre for area farmers and is best known as a potato growing area. Our partner farmer has been with us since the beginning. He produces Chipping Potatoes for Craft Chippery. Potatoes are generally grown from seed potatoes – these are tubers specifically grown to be disease free and provide consistent and healthy plants. To be disease free, the areas where seed potatoes are grown are selected with care. Varieties While there are close to 4000 different varieties of potato,  it has been bred into many standard or well-known varieties, each of which has particular agricultural or culinary attributes. Craft Chippery uses Chipping Potatoes of various strains for High Starch and low sugar content.IMG_8572_web


In terms of freshness and quality of our Potato Chips, we ensure that the Potato is of utmost quality and locally grown to decrease our carbon footprint and to keep our title for the best fresh Potato Chips. Other root vegetables such as sweet potato, taro, cassava, and plantain are all locally grown in order to keep it fresh!